Friday, January 28, 2011


ദക്ഷിണ കന്നഡ (മംഗലാപുരം ) ജില്ല മനുഷ്യജാലികയുടെ  മുന്നോടിയായുള്ള റാലി ചെമ്പിരിക്ക - മംഗലാപുരം ഖാസി ത്വാഖ  അഹമ്മദ്‌ മൗലവി അല്‍ അസ്ഹരി പതാക കൈമാറി ഉദ്ഘാടനം ചെയ്യുന്നു

സമസ്ത കേന്ദ്ര  മുശാവറ അംഗം മിത്തുബയാല്‍ അബ്ദുല്‍ ജബ്ബാര്‍ മുസ്ലിയാര്‍ ഉദ്ഘാടനം ചെയ്യുന്നു

Message of harmony delivered through 'human chain'

Mangalore, January 27: The DK district committee of Samastha Kerala Sunni Students Federation (SKSSF), the student's wing of Samastha Kerala Jam-iyyathul Ulama (SKJU) organised a mega human chain on Republic Day at Moodbidri near here.

Dressed in white, thousands of people from across the coastal region took out a rally from Jyothi Nagar and congregated at Swaraj Maidan where they created a splendid scene of human chain with the slogans of ‘Allahu Akbar’.

The aim of this activity, according the organisers, was to spread the message of unity in diversity to the society.

Inaugurating the human chain, Central Committee member of SKJU Abdul Jabbar Musliyar called upon the huge gathering to set an example to all communities of the country through upholding the values of peace, humanity and communal harmony preached by the religion of Islam.

Mangalore Qazi Thwaqa Ahmed Musliyar earlier inaugurated the rally after performing Du’a.

Speaking on the topic of ‘communal harmony to save the nation’ at a seminar organised at the community hall as part of the event, Haidar Darimi, Mudarris of Kalladka, said that communalism and terrorism are the two major challenges being faced by the nation and peace-loving people should counter those menaces through promoting harmony and religious values.

He said that the religion of Islam not only opposes terrorism and communal disharmony, but also shows better ways to counter them.

Although the constitution of this secular country has permitted the citizens to practice or accept any religion or philosophy, the communal and terrorist forces are opposing it, Darimi lamented.

DK district SKSSF president Abbas Darimi presided over the programme. Sirajuddin Bappalike administered the oath of harmony to the participants of human chain.

Mulky-Moodbidri MLA Abhayachandra Jain, who was the chief guest of the occasion, released the poster of the upcoming national level college students’ camp of SKSSF. Usman Faizi of Thodar released the souvenir.

Salim Faizi delivered the introductory address. KV Sadakathullah welcomed the gathering. Sirajuddin Faizi compered the programme.

Former ZP President KP Sucharitha Shetty, Shareef Faizi Kadaba, Moosal Faizi, I Moidinabba Haji, Shahul Hameed Haji, Abdul Latheef Darimi Renjadi, IK Moosa Darimi Kakkinje, Mahin Darimi Pathoor, KB Abdul Qadir Darimi, Iqbal Moodbidri and Haji HM Abdul Qadir were among those present.


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